Greetings, everyone! Greetings, EdTech Developers, Vendors, Admins, Staff, Instructors, and Students.
I’m super-excited to be starting one of many new endeavors — a blog about development for Educational Technology and Integrations. Here you will find a resource for everything Learning Tools Interoperability. I’ve worked in the EdTech industry for many years — for vendors and institutions — in a variety of roles; developer, admin, engineer.
I’ve learned along the way that LTI can be a great thing for institutions (colleges, universities, and corporations) wanting to integrate third party solutions into their LMS(s) that do a thing better than the core LMS itself, perhaps acting as a complementary tool if built to the right specifications. Tool providers can be simple (attendance tool) or complex (portfolio application integrations) and some of those solutions can adhere to LTI standards very well, but I would say that many do it very poorly — perhaps quick development of an integration helps to provide another checkbox item for a marketing campaign, if you will…?
“We Integrate with ALL the major LMSs”… followed by a graphic with dated logos that looks something like this”:
Anyway, the goals of this site at the outset:
- Provide a place for LMS / EdTech Admins and Tool Providers to connect
- LTI 1.3 / Advantage standards are relatively new to developers. We need a place to discuss ideas and workflows further, beyond the awesome documentation provided on the IMS Global / 1EdTech site.
- Provide a place for tutorials and simplification for implementing LTI using a variety of different development platforms.
- Not explaining LTI! Don’t expect this site to explain what LTI is or write documentation around the standards. You’ll have to go to the source for that: https://www.imsglobal.org/activity/learning-tools-interoperability
- Having a look at tool provider documentation and complementing or helping to make improvements.
Just getting started! More to come…